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For up-to-date AltMFA news & activities go to:
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altMFA's group artist residency at Guest Projects, 2017
1 - 7 May 2017
Open Meeting
Tuesday 2nd May
6:30 - 9pm
We're kicking off our Guest Projects residency with our weekly meeting - open to everyone. Come join us, get an idea of what AltMFA is and help us share and learn together.
Please note// Reading for meeting is: (Just the Conclusion of) Naomi Klein's 'This changes everything' Capitalism VS The Climate. PDF here.
In these tumultuous times we are embarking on our new a-n funded programme about Unknown Futures, and will be exploring this during our residency.
Bring an object, text, image or idea related to the theme - be it something by someone you've found to be provoking or inspiring or something from your own practice.
Bring a snack to share as well!
You might also want to bring a miniature artwork (could be a text, a drawing, painting, photograph, print, sculpture, assemblage, readymade, etc) for inclusion in the Small House Gallery at Guest Projects miniature exhibition in a dolls house. The miniature show will be selected by Eldi Dundee as part of her ongoing curation project that is Small House Gallery. Further info (and dimensions) here.
No need to book for the Open Meeting, just ring the Guest Projects doorbell.
Admission free.
Open Weekend
Join us for a weekend launching our Unknown Futures programme, sharing what we're been exploring related to the theme during our week-long residency at Guest Projects through artworks, live events, food and fun.
Saturday 6th May
1pm - 5pm Exhibition Space Open
6pm - 9pm Live Performance and Food (Please BYOB)
6.00pm A walk by Nathania Hartley and Marion Tu will begin from Guest Projects.
7:30pm Performance by Louise Ashcroft
Saturday Day:
1pm Animal Visualisation by Irene Pulga
Find your very own power animal (approx 30 mins).
The exercise will use our intuition to focus in order get less lost in the maze of modern day distractions. The power animal is source of inner wisdom, whatever the future may bring.
Sunday 7th May
1pm-5pm Exhibition Space Open
1pm - Free Yoga session with Kristyan
'If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live in the future?'
(Approx 1 hour, please bring a yoga mat if you have one)
Both Days:
Eldi Dundee will be in the space doing experimental on the spot readings using a variety of oracle tools including: tarot, tea leaves, runes, crystal ball, palmistry and maybe, if we're lucky, she'll actually be right! A playful look at the seductive charm of divination through the rational/irrational lenses of agnosticism.
Small House Gallery (a contemporary art gallery in a dolls house) will be in at Guest Projects throughout the weekend showing miniature works by AltMFA and guest artists. Facebook @SmallHouseGallery
Additional works from our guests are encouraged:
Free admission
1 - 7 May 2017
Open Meeting
Tuesday 2nd May
6:30 - 9pm
We're kicking off our Guest Projects residency with our weekly meeting - open to everyone. Come join us, get an idea of what AltMFA is and help us share and learn together.
Please note// Reading for meeting is: (Just the Conclusion of) Naomi Klein's 'This changes everything' Capitalism VS The Climate. PDF here.
In these tumultuous times we are embarking on our new a-n funded programme about Unknown Futures, and will be exploring this during our residency.
Bring an object, text, image or idea related to the theme - be it something by someone you've found to be provoking or inspiring or something from your own practice.
Bring a snack to share as well!
You might also want to bring a miniature artwork (could be a text, a drawing, painting, photograph, print, sculpture, assemblage, readymade, etc) for inclusion in the Small House Gallery at Guest Projects miniature exhibition in a dolls house. The miniature show will be selected by Eldi Dundee as part of her ongoing curation project that is Small House Gallery. Further info (and dimensions) here.
No need to book for the Open Meeting, just ring the Guest Projects doorbell.
Admission free.
Open Weekend
Join us for a weekend launching our Unknown Futures programme, sharing what we're been exploring related to the theme during our week-long residency at Guest Projects through artworks, live events, food and fun.
Saturday 6th May
1pm - 5pm Exhibition Space Open
6pm - 9pm Live Performance and Food (Please BYOB)
6.00pm A walk by Nathania Hartley and Marion Tu will begin from Guest Projects.
7:30pm Performance by Louise Ashcroft
Saturday Day:
1pm Animal Visualisation by Irene Pulga
Find your very own power animal (approx 30 mins).
The exercise will use our intuition to focus in order get less lost in the maze of modern day distractions. The power animal is source of inner wisdom, whatever the future may bring.
Sunday 7th May
1pm-5pm Exhibition Space Open
1pm - Free Yoga session with Kristyan
'If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live in the future?'
(Approx 1 hour, please bring a yoga mat if you have one)
Both Days:
Eldi Dundee will be in the space doing experimental on the spot readings using a variety of oracle tools including: tarot, tea leaves, runes, crystal ball, palmistry and maybe, if we're lucky, she'll actually be right! A playful look at the seductive charm of divination through the rational/irrational lenses of agnosticism.
Small House Gallery (a contemporary art gallery in a dolls house) will be in at Guest Projects throughout the weekend showing miniature works by AltMFA and guest artists. Facebook @SmallHouseGallery
Additional works from our guests are encouraged:
Free admission