Clusterbomb 'Cut [a drift]'
Sunday 24th 10am - 5pm (workshop)//6pm - 10pm (performance)
Monday 25th May 2015 11am - 18pm
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Cut: a canal (prior to watering) formed by cutting into natural land; now (affectionate) slang for canal.
A FREE Live Art Lab for performance and live artists facilitated by CLUSTER BOMB [collective] exploring the symbiotic performance exchanges between outdoor sites of Regent's Canal and the indoor gallery of Guest Projects.
to be cut adrift: Separated or detached; freed. This expression alludes to cutting the rope of a floating vessel so that it drifts without direction or purpose. The figurative use of adrift dates from the late 1600s.
Combining psychogeography, site-responsive performance practice, towpath foraging and local heritage, the [collective] will guide a group of participating artists through walking workshops, to develop solo and collective performance works with the aim of organizing a showcase for the AltMFA platform event between 5pm and 11pm on Saturday 25th.
"In a dérive [literally: "drifting"] one or more persons during a certain period drop [...] all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there... cities have psychogeographical contours, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes..." (G. Debord (1959) Les Lèvres Nues #9)
11:00 - 14:00 -- a series of walking workshops along Regents Canal
14:00 - 15:00 -- Lunch aboard a moored canal barge from foraged food
15:00 - 17:00 -- Live Art Lab where participants develop their solo and collective performative works for indoor and outdoor sites
17:00 - 18:00 -- Collective discussion as to solo/collective work(s) and running order
18:00 - 22:00 -- CUT (a drift) performance platform as part of main AltMFA event
CLUSTER BOMB [collective] are a contemporary performing artist collective (est. 2009) at Dartington College of Arts & Falmouth University, now based in Newham, London. We specialise in devising contemporary performances evolving out of a cross- disciplinary, collaborative process that lies between theatre, performance and live art.
The [collective] are associate artists at ]performance s p a c e [ and studio artists with ACME. They have developed performance projects on both a national and international level at V&A Museum, Artsadmin, Battersea Arts Centre, Chisenhale Dance Space, Anolfini Bristol, Falmouth University, ]performance s p a c e [, Arebyte Gallery, Hackney WickED Festival, Kunstfabrik/Flutgraben e.V, and Grüntaler9, Berlin.
TEST SITE is the programme of workshops, labs, master classes and training sessions lead by members of the [collective]. Previous TEST SITES have been programmed at Central School of Speech and Drama, Falmouth University, Hackney Libraries and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. If you’re interested in finding out more and to book the [collective] for workshops, labs and training in your school, college, university or other institution contact us on [email protected] @CLUSTERBOMBc #TestSite #CUTadrift
Sunday 24th 10am - 5pm (workshop)//6pm - 10pm (performance)
Monday 25th May 2015 11am - 18pm
Call OUT!
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Cut: a canal (prior to watering) formed by cutting into natural land; now (affectionate) slang for canal.
A FREE Live Art Lab for performance and live artists facilitated by CLUSTER BOMB [collective] exploring the symbiotic performance exchanges between outdoor sites of Regent's Canal and the indoor gallery of Guest Projects.
to be cut adrift: Separated or detached; freed. This expression alludes to cutting the rope of a floating vessel so that it drifts without direction or purpose. The figurative use of adrift dates from the late 1600s.
Combining psychogeography, site-responsive performance practice, towpath foraging and local heritage, the [collective] will guide a group of participating artists through walking workshops, to develop solo and collective performance works with the aim of organizing a showcase for the AltMFA platform event between 5pm and 11pm on Saturday 25th.
"In a dérive [literally: "drifting"] one or more persons during a certain period drop [...] all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there... cities have psychogeographical contours, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes..." (G. Debord (1959) Les Lèvres Nues #9)
11:00 - 14:00 -- a series of walking workshops along Regents Canal
14:00 - 15:00 -- Lunch aboard a moored canal barge from foraged food
15:00 - 17:00 -- Live Art Lab where participants develop their solo and collective performative works for indoor and outdoor sites
17:00 - 18:00 -- Collective discussion as to solo/collective work(s) and running order
18:00 - 22:00 -- CUT (a drift) performance platform as part of main AltMFA event
CLUSTER BOMB [collective] are a contemporary performing artist collective (est. 2009) at Dartington College of Arts & Falmouth University, now based in Newham, London. We specialise in devising contemporary performances evolving out of a cross- disciplinary, collaborative process that lies between theatre, performance and live art.
The [collective] are associate artists at ]performance s p a c e [ and studio artists with ACME. They have developed performance projects on both a national and international level at V&A Museum, Artsadmin, Battersea Arts Centre, Chisenhale Dance Space, Anolfini Bristol, Falmouth University, ]performance s p a c e [, Arebyte Gallery, Hackney WickED Festival, Kunstfabrik/Flutgraben e.V, and Grüntaler9, Berlin.
TEST SITE is the programme of workshops, labs, master classes and training sessions lead by members of the [collective]. Previous TEST SITES have been programmed at Central School of Speech and Drama, Falmouth University, Hackney Libraries and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. If you’re interested in finding out more and to book the [collective] for workshops, labs and training in your school, college, university or other institution contact us on [email protected] @CLUSTERBOMBc #TestSite #CUTadrift